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"Discover The Simple,
But Powerful,
Secrets To Accompanying Yourself,
Or Any Vocalist Or Instrumentalist,
On The Piano... FAST!"

"Learn How To Quickly Create A Rhythmic And Harmonic
Structure - For Any Song - That Will Make It
Super-Simple For Any Singer Or Instrumentalist
To Follow Along With You!"

"Within Just A Few Minutes Of Cracking Open My DVD Set,
You'll Have Your Own Set Of
Powerful Piano Accompaniment Lessons!

Dear Piano Lover,

Have you ever felt like there was something missing from your piano playing?

Maybe it wasn't anything super-obvious, but just a feeling you get when playing for yourself - while you sing - or for someone else - while they sing or play an instrument.

Like you weren't quite "connecting"... or you had kind of an uneasy feeling about getting through the song?

I'm here to tell you that it's not your fault.

Chances are no one ever taught you how to accompany yourself or someone else on the piano... and sound good doing it.

If you're like I was, maybe you just kind of play through the song's chords, or some sheet music, and hope the singer or instrumentalist can follow along with you.

Unfortunately, from my own experience, that usually doesn't work very well.

As the piano player, the responsibility lands with you to keep the song moving, provide rhythmic and harmonic structure, and make sure you AND the singer/instrumentalist make it to the end of the song without crashing somewhere in the middle!

It's not that you CAN'T...

Because with just a few simple tricks, anyone CAN learn how to accompany someone on the piano.

But HOW do you do that? I mean specifically?

Well, that's exactly what I'm going to show you in my video piano lesson DVD set:

"Piano Accompaniment... FAST!"

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In this 2-DVD set - with almost 2 1/2 hours of video content - I break down the process of piano accompaniment into it's most basic parts, and show you how you can quickly and easily use those parts to build a NICE-SOUNDING and SUPPORTIVE piano arrangement when you accompany yourself or anyone else on the piano.

Granted, there is some art to it, but there's a lot of "science" also. In fact, here are just a few of the things you'll learn in this 2-DVD set:

Piano Accompaniment... FAST!

How to play rhythms and chords in a way that the singer or instrumentalist will instantly hear where you are and where the song is going.

How to play in a way that makes the other person look great (and perhaps make you look like a hero - but don't be surprised if the singer gets all the glory :-)

How to reinforce the natural phrasing of the song and the singer's or instrumentalist's phrasing in a way that's not too heavy or noisy and that doesn't have (to quote the movie, "Amadeus") "too many notes."

How to provide a structure - from introduction, through the verses and choruses, to the ending - that gives the other musicians room to move freely through the song (improvising all they like), but still find their way back home when it's time to bring the song back to the main melody, chords and rhythm.

How to apply these piano accompaniment techniques to specific song examples - including Happy Birthday (VERY useful at parties!), Old Time Rock 'n' Roll, Misty, and Autumn Leaves. These tunes are perfect for demonstrating all the techniques I cover in this 2 1/2-hour video course.

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Don't Just Believe What I Say -
Check Out What Others Have Said
About My Courses:

Here's what just a few of my students have said about my "Professional Piano Chords for Everyday Pianists" course:

Read What One Frustrated, "Traditional" Student
Has To Say After Using My Original, "Professional Piano Chords" Guide:


Finding you on the internet was the greatest piano blessing that I have discovered. Purchasing your product is the BEST MUSICAL INVESTMENT that I have spent my money on in the last 3 years. And believe me... Over the past 3 years I have invested literally thousands of dollars in CD's, Tapes, Books, Music Lessons.

Your program has simplified, what I have exhausted myself searching for. I am a disabled veteran, so I have much time to practice, study and research. I literally spend 4 to 5 hours a day practicing on my Yamaha Piano. For the past 2 years, I have spend $100 each month for music lessons from a very talented music director. Although he is an excellent instructor, (I could say musical genius) he sometimes teaches over my head. (And I consider myself to be intelligent). I have figured out in 3 hours of disecting your section on 13th Chords, what has bewildered me with his methodolgy of instruction. Dont get me wrong .. I have learned a great deal from him, but your program has regenerated my enthusiasm and has uplifted my spirits and given me great encouragement.

I finally genuinly feel that there is light at the end of my tunnel. It all makes sense now. You have filled in the gaps, and I am able to do this at my pace.

I thank you again, and would highly recommend your product to anyone that is serious about learning to play music on a keyboard or piano.

Tony Willis
US Army Veteran
San Antonio, TX

And Another Student Who Can Finally Play What He Only Just Heard Before:

Dear Bill:

Your guide to professional-sounding chords is nothing short of brilliant! I have been in bands semi-professionally for years as a singer-guitarist, and now in later years I have enjoyed playing piano around home as a hobby. Your informative guide is a terrific teaching tool, but perhaps your follow-up e-mails are even more "key", since they serve as further incentive for someone to pitch in and get this stuff learned.

Your information, together with your follow-up program is the best I have seen in terms of communicating how music works, especially to those who are intimidated by notes, staffs, clefs, rests, etc. In my case, I have always been able to "hear" the chords I wanted - now that I have your book, I am able to play most of them as well.

Thanks, Bill, for sharing this absolutely terrific knowledge.

Richard Narrell

Get Ready For The Holidays

The Holidays seem to always be just around the corner, bringing family get-togethers, lots of good food and - for most people - music.

Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas... Heck, birthdays happen every day! :-)

In my family growing up, we weren't exactly the All-American Family, but we did like to gather around the piano every now and then to sing and play our favorite tunes.

Now is the perfect time to give your piano accompaniment skills a boost, so you can be the life of the party, too - even if that party is just yourself on a quiet evening at home :-)

That's why I decided to offer Piano Accompaniment... FAST! for the very special price of just...

$47 (plus shipping)

So, to get your piano "chops" sharpened even more for the upcoming Holidays, I urge you to take advantage of this special offer right away.

Just click the "Add To Cart" button below and, once you place your order, I'll have your 2-DVD set on its way to you within 2-3 business days.

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If You Thought This Would Be Guaranteed...
You Were Right!

As with all of my courses, this one carries my 8-week, 100% full money-back guarantee:

60 day guarantee
Your Iron-Clad, No-Risk,
60-Day Guarantee!

Your "Piano Accompaniment Fast" 2-DVD video piano course comes with a no-questions-asked 100% Money-Back Guarantee. If for any reason (it really doesn't matter why), you decide that "Piano Accompaniment Fast" just isn't for you, simply return it for a complete refund (minus shipping).

So, you see, you have absolutely no risk in ordering "Piano Accompaniment Fast" - all the risk is on me!

Bill Romer

(On the other hand, if you do find it useful and your playing improves as a result, I would love to hear about that, too!)
Click the order button below to get your
2-DVD copy of
"Piano Accompaniment Fast"
and start building your own professional-sounding
piano accompaniments quickly and easily!
Buy piano accompaniment fast today for just 47 dollars

Attention, For The
Online-Only Version...

If you'd like to order the ONLINE-ONLY version of Piano Accompaniment... FAST!, simply

Click Here To Place Your Online-Only Order

Otherwise, click the large Add To Cart button above.
I gotta tell you, once you get that feeling of comfort at the piano - knowing that YOU know how to provide exactly the right rhythmic and harmonic structure for yourself or any other musician - it really boosts your confidence.


And that's speaking from experience.

You can feel that same confidence, too, when you take advantage of my Piano Accompaniment... FAST! DVD piano course today.

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Musically Yours,

Bill Romer

PS: Learn how you can become a "piano hero" by discovering the secrets to effective and great-sounding piano accompaniment. Be sure to grab my 2-DVD Piano Accompaniment... FAST! course before this limited-time offer ends.
PPS: Your friends and family will be amazed at how quickly your piano playing improves, and you'll have the confidence and skills to sit down at the piano - anywhere, anytime - and be the center of attention (if you like that sort of thing

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